- URGENT ALERT 4 #RapeKitReform in #WAState! Urge Senate Rules Committee 2 Pull #2SHB2530 NOW! #ENDTHEBACKLOG http://www.antoinettebonsignore.com/2016/02/urgent-legislative-alert-for-washington.html
- Learn More About 2SHB 2530: You can learn more about this rape kit reform legislation at the Rape Kit WA website: http://www.rapekitwa.org/wa-state-2016/
Please Support Rape Kit Reform in Washington State
and Follow the Instructions Below!
- Emails for All of the Senate Rules Committee Members [Each Email Is Separated By A Semicolon]:
Brad.Owen@leg.wa.gov; Pam.Roach@leg.wa.gov; Barbara.Bailey@leg.wa.gov;
Don.Benton@leg.wa.gov; Andy.Billig@leg.wa.gov; Maralyn.Chase@leg.wa.gov;
Bruce.Dammeier@leg.wa.gov; Doug.Ericksen@leg.wa.gov; Joe.Fain@leg.wa.gov;
Karen.Fraser@leg.wa.gov; Bob.Hasegawa@leg.wa.gov; Jim.Honeyford@leg.wa.gov;
Curtis.King@leg.wa.gov; Mark.Mullet@leg.wa.gov; Sharon.Nelson@leg.wa.gov;
Linda.Parlette@leg.wa.gov; Kirk.Pearson@leg.wa.gov; Ann.Rivers@leg.wa.gov;
Christine.Rolfes@leg.wa.gov; Mark.Schoesler@leg.wa.gov; Timothy.Sheldon@leg.wa.gov
- Emails for All of the Senate Rules Committee Members [Each Email Is Separated By A Comma]:
Brad.Owen@leg.wa.gov, Pam.Roach@leg.wa.gov, Barbara.Bailey@leg.wa.gov,
Don.Benton@leg.wa.gov, Andy.Billig@leg.wa.gov, Maralyn.Chase@leg.wa.gov,
Bruce.Dammeier@leg.wa.gov, Doug.Ericksen@leg.wa.gov, Joe.Fain@leg.wa.gov,
Karen.Fraser@leg.wa.gov, Bob.Hasegawa@leg.wa.gov, Jim.Honeyford@leg.wa.gov,
Curtis.King@leg.wa.gov, Mark.Mullet@leg.wa.gov, Sharon.Nelson@leg.wa.gov,
Linda.Parlette@leg.wa.gov, Kirk.Pearson@leg.wa.gov, Ann.Rivers@leg.wa.gov,
Christine.Rolfes@leg.wa.gov, Mark.Schoesler@leg.wa.gov, Tim.Sheldon@leg.wa.gov
You can use the following sample message for your email to the Senate Rules Committee members. Simply copy and paste the emails for the recipients of your message and then copy and paste the sample message into the body of your email; and remember to conclude your email message with your contact information as listed below.
- Sample Email Message to All Senate Rules Committee Members:
March 1, 2016
Dear Senate Rules Committee Members:
I am writing on behalf of bill 2SHB 2530. I urge you to pull this bill from the Senate Rules Committee by Friday, March 4th. Sexual assault centered reform, and especially rape kit reform, must continue to advance in Washington State. Rape survivors deserve justice and 2SHB 2530 will further the ongoing rape kit reform progress that is needed to realize justice for all survivors in Washington State. Please pull this bill from the Senate Rules Committee by Friday, March 4th.
Thank you,
[Mailing Address]
[Phone Number]
Subject Line: Please Pull 2SHB 2530 from the Senate Rules Committee
- Senate Rules Committee Chair: You can also call the Senate Rules Committee Chair, Senator Brad Owen, at (360) 786-7700 and urge Senator Owen to pull 2SHB 2530 from the Senate Rules Committee by Friday, March 4th.
- Link to the Senate Rules Committee Homepage With Contact Information for All Committee Members:
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